1. Item Name : Talim Education WordPress Theme
  2. Created: 03 April 2024
  3. Item Version : v 1.0.0
  4. Author : Codebasket


Talim Education WordPress Theme Documentation

We would like to thank you for choosing Talim Education WordPress Theme.

Getting started

You need at least WordPress version 5.5.0+ installed for this theme to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of Wordpress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other getting_started:

  • PHP version 5.6 or greater. But for maximum speed gain we recommend you to use PHP version 7.3+.
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.
  • WordPress memory limit of 128 MB or greater.

Recommended PHP configuration limits

  • max_execution_time 180
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 64M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M
  • max_input_time = 60
  • max_input_vars = 3000

Server getting_started: https://make.wordpress.org/hosting/handbook/handbook/server-environment

What's Included

After purchasing Talim theme on themeforest.net with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download Talim theme only (Installable WordPress Theme) or the entire Talim theme package which contains the following files:

The contents of the theme package downloaded from ThemeForest

  • Talim.zip - An Installable WordPress Theme zip file. this file you need to upload to WordPress.
  • Talim-child.zip - This file contains the basic child theme that you can use with our theme. Just installing it won’t hurt and in case you decide to make some changes/extend the source code of the theme, it will be very helpful because it helps not to lose your custom changes after updating the parent theme. More on child themes
  • Plugins - This folder contains plugins required to work with our theme.
  • Demo Data - This folder contains the demo content file which will help you to import the demo manually.
  • Licensing - This folder contains the terms and conditions of the license.
  • Documentation - This folder contains what you are reading now :)

Installing the theme

Important! if you download the All Files archive from ThemeForest and try to upload it to your WordPress, you will receive this error: Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Please make sure you unzipped the main archive and are uploading the correct file to your WordPress.

When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme itself. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:

1. Using Theme Uploader

Follow the steps as instructed in the images below:

  1. From the dashboard go to AppearanceThemesAdd New Upload Theme
  2. Click on “Choose File” and select Talim.zip
  3. Click on “Install Now”.
  4. Active the Theme

N.B: All plugins must be installed and activated if you want your site to look exactly like demo.

Appearance → Themes → Add New
Click on “Choose File” and select Talim.zip and Click on “Install Now”.
Active Talim Theme

2. Using FTP Clients

Follow the following steps to upload your theme using FTP clients:

  1. Use an FTP such as FileZilla and go to your WordPress installation director
  2. Navigate to /wp-content/themes/ folder and upload the theme folder there
  3. Log in to your WP Admin Dashboard and open the AppearanceThemes menu
  4. You will now see Talim Theme listed among the other themes. Click on Activate and you’re done!

3. Updating Theme

Occationally we provide updates which includes new features and bugfixes. Updating WordPress theme is standard WordPress functionality.

Before Updating Theme:

** Before updating please make sure to keep a backup of your installed theme and plugins (eg. Talim Core) to be on safe side.

You can use this plugin to keep the backup: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-theme-plugin-download/

There are few ways to update WordPress theme. You can follow any of the methods described below:

Method 1: Automatic Update by Using Envato Market Plugin

  1. Install and activate the "Envato Market" plugin manually. Here's the plugin zip file: http://envato.github.io/wp-envato-market/dist/envato-market.zip
  2. From WordPress Admin Panel, navigate to "Envato Market" menu.
  3. In this page, you'll find a field for insering Envato Token. Insert your Envato Token Code from there. You can generate this code from this link: https://build.envato.com/create-token/?purchase:download=t&purchase:verify=t&purchase:list=t.
    Remember, while generating the token, you have to login using the same envato id which you used to purchase theme.
  4. After completed the above steps successfully, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes. Here you'll see an "Update now" link beside your theme. Click on that link and your theme will be updated automatically.

Here's a quick video tutorial explaining this method:

Method 2: By Uploading zip File

  1. From WordPress Admin Panel, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes.
  2. Activate any other theme (eg. Twenty Seventeen) than the current one.
  3. Delete Talim Theme.
  4. Now you have to upload the updated theme zip file. To do this, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload. Go to browse, and select the zipped theme folder. Hit "Install Now" and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Method 3: By FTP

  1. Using your FTP client, navigate to "/wp-content/themes/" folder on your server and delete the "Talim" folder from there.
  2. Now upload the latest non-zipped theme folder into that "/wp-content/themes/" folder .

After Updating Theme:

** After updating the theme please update all plugins which come with the theme.

4. Installing required plugins

Talim theme requires a set of core and additional plugins to function correctly. A plugin is an additional component that offers functionality and features beyond a typical WordPress installation. Without them, most of its functionality is not available. After installing the theme you will be prompted to install the required plugins at the top of your dashboard.

  1. From the dashboard go to Appearance Install Plugins
  2. Toggle all the required plugins and hint “Install”;
  3. The last step will be activating the plugins.
Click on the begin installing plugins link to install all the required plugins.
Select all and install
Select all and Activate

Importing Demo Contents

We are providing you two methods for importing demo contents: Automatic and Alternative. You can follow either one of these methods.

  1. One Click Method (Recommended): This method will remove all your existing data, so use this method only in fresh website. This procedure will be faster because you just have to do one click and then everything will happen automatically. If you want an exact clone of demo website without doing any manual configuration after importing data then this method is appropiate for you.
  2. Manually Import: Use this method only if:
    • Automatic demo import method fails ( Only few of our customers like 5% have experienced this issue due to their hosting limits, in that case we also provide free demo importing service if you contact with us).
    • You already have a working website with existing contents(eg. posts, pages etc).

1. One Click Method

Want to build your site like the demo? You can do it by only one click!

Note: Please remember that when you are done with the demo import, your some existing settings will be replaced by the demo contents Like: Your menu, Customizer. So it is recommended that you should only do this in fresh site.

  1. Ensure, that the One-Click Import plugin is installed and activated;
  2. From the dashboard go to Appearance Import Demo Data
  3. Choose the demo you want to install and click on the “Import” button​ below​;
  4. And change the permalink: From the dashboard go to Settings Permalink
go to Appearance -> Import Demo Data
Click on the "Import" button
Click "Yes, Import" Button
Import Complete! Congrats, your demo was imported successfully. You can now begin editing your site.
Change permalink

2. Manual Import

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click switch to manual import from right corner.
  2. Choose contents-demo.xml file for all content import
  3. Choose widget-settings.json file for widget import
  4. Choose customizer-data.dat file for customizer import
  5. and last click Import demo data button

Note: We have added all the above files to the Theme package -> Demo Data folder.

Click "switch to manual import" link
Choose all file and click the "import demo data" button

Where Is My Purchase Code?

To learn about how to find your purchase code. When you buy a product from envato you get a purchase code. visit the following link:

Purchase Code

Basic Site Setting

Customize Menu

To customize the menu and megamenu please login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard AppearanceMenus and follow the following steps:

8.2.1 8.2.1

Change Site Title and Favicon Basic Site Setting

To change your Site title and Favicon login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard AppearanceCustomizeSite Identity and follow the following steps:


Change Global Colors

To change all global colors login to wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Colors Options and follow the following steps:


Change Logo

To change the site logo login to your wp-admin and navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Header and follow the following steps:

7.1.1 7.1.2

Change Typography

To change the typography of your site navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Typography and follow the following steps:


Set Home and Blog Page

To set the home and blog page, login to wp-admin and go to Dashboard Settings Reading and follow the following steps:


Theme Options

Preloader & Back to Top

To change Theme Options header navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Essential Settings and follow the following steps:

11 11

Contact & Social

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Social and follow the following steps:


Header Top Bar

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Header Topbar and follow the following steps:


Header / Header layout

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Header and follow the following steps:


Header / Header Information

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Header Top Bar and follow the following steps:


Header Side Info

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Side Info and follow the following steps:


Footer & Footer Copyright Info

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Footer and follow the following steps:


11.4.2 Post Type Slug

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Post Type Slug Setting and follow the following steps:


Archive (Blog / Archive)

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Blog Settings and follow the following steps:


Settings (Error Page Settings)

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Error Page and follow the following steps:


Breadcrumb Settings

To change Theme Options navigate to Dashboard Appearance Customize Talim Customizer Breadcrumb and follow the following steps:


Elementor Widgets

Elementor Page Builder has a lot of built-in widgets by default. But for your convenience we've created several custom Elementor Widgets that you can use in your website and extend website functionality. You can find them under Talim Core section on Elementor edit mode.

1. Hero Widget:

2. About Widget:

3. Team Widget:

Note: These Are Some Sample Of Widgets. You Will Get More Attractive Widgets With Pacakge

404 Error in all pages

If you face this type of issue, please update your permalink. To update permalink, navigate to Settings -> Permalink and then click on Save Settings button.

17. Contact

If you face any issue please contact us at Support mail. We provide 15 hours real-time support for our customers.

Thank you for purchasing our theme.